Final Conference SAVEMEDCOASTS Project "Sea level rise scenarios along the Mediterranean coasts”

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) | Roma, Italia
Rome, December 5, 2018
Conference hall Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Via di Vigna Murata 605, Rome, 10:30 a.m.
We are pleased to invite you to the Final Conference of the SAVEMEDCOASTS Project, funded by the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Unions of the European Union (DG-ECHO) for 2017-2018.
The Conference will see the participation of project partners, stakeholders and journalists and will be an important place to exchange information on the state of the art on the assessment of coastal risks caused by the sea level rise, induced by climate change and land subsidence.
Will be presented:
- The scientific motivations and the main phases of the project that follow the international guidelines for the protection of coasts and resident populations;
- Projections of sea level rise along the Mediterranean coast, up to the year 2100;
- Some case studies on the expected coastal flooding scenarios in Italy and Greece, including storms and tsunamis;
- The assessment of the socio-economic impacts due to the expected floods, useful for the adoption of measures to prevent and mitigate the phenomenon.
For more information on the SAVEMEDCOASTS project, please visit
Please confirm your participation by 30 November 2018. For information please contact Dr. Marco Anzidei, mail:
Registration of participants – welcome coffee.
Registrazione dei partecipanti - caffè di benvenuto
Welcome by INGV and introduction to the SAVEMEDCOASTS project (INGV).
Welcome da parte dell’INGV e introduzione al progetto SAVEMEDCOASTS (INGV).
Il ruolo della Protezione Civile nei disastri naturali (Dipartimento della Protezione Civile)
The role of Civil Protection in natural disasters (Department of Civil Protection).
Mappe ad alta risoluzione e alta accuratezza per scenari di aumento di livello marino.
High resolution and high accuracy 3D mapping for sea level rise scenarios (AUTH).
Sea level rise projections in the Mediterranean area for 2100 (INGV).
Proiezioni di aumento di livello marino nell’area mediterranea per il 2100 (INGV).
Storm surge flooding maps in a sea level rise scenarios for 2100 (CGIAM).
Mappe di inondazione per tempeste con scenari di aumento di livello marino al 2100.
Stakeholder analysis and development of policy tools for coastal risks in test sites in Italy, Greece and Cyprus (ISOTECH and PEDIN)
Analisi degli stakeholder e sviluppo di strumenti politici per i rischi costieri nei siti test in Italia, Grecia e Cipro (ISOTECH e PEDIN).
Assessing sea level rise risks in changing coastal environments: from national to local scale assessment (Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change - CMCC).
Valutazione dei rischi di innalzamento del livello marino negli ambienti costieri in evoluzione: dalla valutazione della scala nazionale a quella locale (Centro Euromediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici)
Discussion Panel - Tavola rotonda
Poster session and web access by dedicated PC - Sessione Poster e web access con PC dedicati.
Networking Lunch – Pranzo di networking.
Brokerage event
The purpose of this short event is to identify topics of interest, based on the results obtained by SAVEMEDCOASTS, useful for the preparation of new project proposals.
Interested parties are invited to register for individual topics.
Lo scopo di questo breve evento è quello di individuare temi di interesse, sulla base dei risultati ottenuti da SAVEMEDCOASTS, utili alla preparazione di nuovi progetti.
Gli interessati sono invitati ad iscriversi alle singole tematiche.
15:00 - 15:15 |
Sea level rise and potential impacts on the environment, cultural heritage and coastal infrastructure. Aumento del livello marino e potenziali impatti su ambiente, beni culturali e infrastrutture costiere
15:15 - 15:30 |
Storm surge flooding maps on sea level rise scenario. Mappe di inondazione per tempeste in scenari di aumento di livello marino.
15:30 - 15:45 |
Socio-economic impact of the sea level rise induced by climate change and land subsidence. Impatti socio economici dell’aumento del livello marino indotto dai cambiamenti climatici
15:45 - 16:00 |
Method of stakeholder engagement in decision making. Metodi di coinvolgimento degli stakeholder nel processo decisionale. |
00143 Roma RM, Italia
All Dates
- Wednesday, 05 December 2018 10:00